1-3 Months
This educational fundraising company has created a modern and extremely effective take on school fundraising. The main priority was to design a comprehensive fundraising plan for schools that incorporate elements of physical fitness, fun, and leadership lessons for the students that simply make everyone want to get involved. Combining innovative strategies with a robust online platform, and schools can see resulting donations increase dramatically at an astounding rate!
The main assets purchased when starting up are a trailer ($4,000) and miscellaneous equipment ($17,000), and prizes for the school contests and team building.
Inventory levels will vary depending on time of season.
There is little competition in this arena targeting elementary schools. Fundraising U targets sports teams and high schools. Boosterthon and School-a-thon are self directed and do not maintain offices throughout the country. Per NP Source, giving to Education charities was up 6.2% to $58.9 billion (14% of all donations).
Seller has other business interests that they are pursuing.
The fundraising industry is rapidly growing and projected to be $340 million by 2025. There are limited competitors who offer in-person programming. This company offers a significant advantage to those who are looking for new opportunities within this industry with our events typically raising twice the capital of traditional fundraisers. Education, which includes K-12 schools, higher education, and libraries, continues to be the second largest recipient of giving in the U.S. (14%), coming just after religion (26%).
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