When it’s Time to Sell Your Franchise Business
Winning Your Franchise Resale
Whether it comes after decades of success or after just a few years in operation, the day to sell your franchise business will arrive.
For many, this day means it’s finally time to cash out and retire. It is the cherry on top of a long and successful run in the franchise world.
For some, this day represents a time to pursue a new opportunity. It is another feather in their cap as they continue on the exciting journey ahead.
For others, there are challenging life circumstances that require an early exit. It is a fork in the road that wasn’t on the map, and the direction they must take is not the one they wanted.
Whatever the case may be, very few franchise owners plan to part from their business without recognizing a sizable and fair reward for the blood, sweat, and tears they invested into their franchise operation. For most franchise owners this reward means selling their franchise business to a new owner for the greatest price and at fair terms.
But, once the decision to sell your franchise operation is made, it doesn’t take long for franchise owners to realize there are multiple paths to consider. This brings up many questions about how you can best sell your franchise, and the answers aren’t obvious.
Should I use a business broker to sell my franchise? If so, will they understand the inherent value and uniqueness of a franchise resale? Isn’t my franchise resale worth more than a non-branded business? Will the broker be able to find a quality buyer and get maximum value for my franchise? How will I feel about paying a sizeable commission?
Will my franchisor help me sell my franchise? They are good at selling new franchises, but are they the best choice for finding good candidates for franchise resales? Don’t they require a commission too?
Can I sell my franchise on my own? If so, where and how do I sell my franchise? Where do I list my franchise for sale? How will my franchise resale stand out from the tens of thousands of non-branded mom and pop businesses posted for sale on the business listing websites?
The answers to these questions are complicated and varied for each situation, but whatever route you choose for marketing your franchise resale you will need support and guidance.
The good news is that Franchise Flippers can help! We are the ultimate resource for franchise resales . Franchise Flippers is building the world’s premier Franchise Resale Marketplace… where franchise buyers and sellers can come together to make win – win deals. In fact, our mission, our primary reason for existence, is to help franchise buyers and sellers win!
We understand that carefully handing the baton to the right buyer is important for the franchisee and the franchisor. We aim to make this attainable for every franchise owner who wants or needs to sell their franchise, with expert advice on selling a business.
Whether you are a single unit operator, a multiple unit operator, a franchisor with company owned units to sell, a business broker working for a client, or an independent buyer we want to be your partner. Let Franchise Flippers be your resource to help you win, with professional franchise and business selling advice and resources. Visit us a www.franchiseflippers.com